The prostate gland is a small walnut-shaped structure in men that functions to produce the sticky, whitish seminal fluid that nourishes the sperms. Prostate cancer arises due to the development of tumor within the gland. Its prevalence increases up to 1 in every 52 men with ages 50 to 59 years.1
Although this can become a serious condition, yet many cases of prostate cancer have been successfully treated and the affected men are living their life happily.
If you’re a survivor of prostate treatment, this article will guide you about life after the treatment of prostate cancer.
What to Expect after the treatment?
The most commonly done treatment for prostate cancer is the surgical removal of a tumor or killing cancerous cells by radiations.2Although the treatment is quite effective, yet it is an invasive process which damages the nerves and blood vessels surrounding the prostate gland.
Post-treatment erectile dysfunction is usually seen in many men. Moreover, you might expect urinary problems such as urinary leakage or incompetency to hold urine. In many cases, the orgasm can also be dry due to decreased functionality of prostate gland.3
Should I worry about the post-treatment complications?
It’s quite natural to be concerned about the issues faced after the treatment. Well, you don’t need to worry that much as the complications mostly do not occur in most of the men. If you do get any complications, there are several ways to reduce the severity or even eliminate them.
How can I completely recover after my prostate cancer treatment?
Take-Away Message
You don’t need to fret if you’ve been recently discharged after prostate cancer treatment. If you’ve been strong enough to undergo invasive treatments, you surely can live a happy life afterward. Keep your follow-up appointments and be healthy!