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March 11, 2023

Prostate cancer most often affects men aged 60 years and over. It occurs in about 1 out of 14 men between the ages of 60 to 70 years. Several risk factors can increase the chances of prostate cancer. Become aware of these to help prevent it.

Risk Factors of Prostate Cancer

The risk factors can be anything that contributes to getting a disease such as prostate cancer. Some risk factors are manageable, like smoking and alcohol consumption, while others are not under your control, like your age and genetics. Here are the risk factors for prostate cancer:

  • Family history:Studies have shown that prostate cancer runs in families.  The risk of getting prostate cancer for a man with a family history is double that of a man with no family history.
  • Geography:The place you live in greatly affects your body in many ways. Residents of North America, Australia, Europe, and Caribbean islands are more likely to get prostate cancer. The exact reason behind this is unknown, but lifestyle and diet choices can greatly impact.
  • Smoking:Smoking doesn’t highly increase the risk of getting prostate cancer, but it worsens the condition after you get prostate cancer and leads to death. Moreover, quitting smoking reduces the risk of cancer recurrence too.
  • Prostatitis:It is the inflammation of the prostate gland and linked to the increased risk of prostate cancer. Sexually transmitted infections can also increase prostate cancer risk because it ultimately leads to the prostate's inflammation.
  • Obesity:Overweight men are at high risk of getting prostate cancer than men with a healthy weight. Researchers claim that cancer in overweight individuals can be more aggressive.

Prevention from Prostate Cancer

It would be best to choose a healthy diet full of vitamins and nutrients. Certain natural foods help to prevent prostate cancer. Moreover, choose a good vitamin supplement to balance your body. Try to avoid the overuse of folate (vitamin B) supplements because studies show that it can increase prostate cancer risk. Plus, regular exercise and a healthy weight play a significant role in helping you avoid prostate cancer. A research study conducted in 2015 shows that men who exercise regularly after their prostate cancer treatment have greater survival rate than men who don’t.



Bonn, S. E. et al. Physical activity and survival among men diagnosed with prostate cancer. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 24, 57–64 (2015).