While comfortably and discreetly managing urine leaks, Wil helps you establish a daily pelvic floor exercise routine over the course of seven weeks. The program works with two essential elements:
1. Weekly routine: Measure
2. Daily routine: Exercise
Schedule one ‘measuring day’ per week. On this day, wear the pad with the sensor snapped in for 24 hours. While the smart pad manages and conceals any leaks that occur, the sensor will track your body’s movements and gather data on the moisture that collects. These measurements will be recorded by the app on your tablet or smartphone through a Bluetooth connection, providing a baseline for future measurements. After the second week, the app will calculate your progress. This calculation shows the impact of the exercises by measuring the reduction of leaks and providing further motivation to continue to strengthen your pelvic floor.
The Wil app provides a series of exercise videos organized by week and specially designed to help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and eliminate leaks. The app also offers notifications to remind you to exercise on a daily basis. By exercising for only 10 minutes per day, results can be seen in a matter of weeks.
First, download the app to your smartphone or tablet and wash the pads before wearing them. Next, be sure to pair the Bluetooth sensor with your device. Here are the next steps:
1. Open the app
2. Snap the sensor into the pad
3. In the app, press the button with "Start Measuring" to start the measuring day.
4. Put the pad in your underwear
5. Go about your day.
Once you have worn the sensor for a complete day; unsnap it, wipe it off, and store it at a safe place. During the week, watch the videos beginning with week 1 and practice the exercises 10 minutes per day. In the second week, repeat the measuring day so the app can begin calculating your progress. Continue this pattern throughout the course of the program.